Wild Wolf Explorer Scout Unit is a mixed group of adventurous 14 to 18 year olds who meet once a week as part of the Scout Movement. Our large and active Unit of over 80 members is led by an award-winning team of dedicated and enthusiastic volunteers, who are joined by nine elected Patrol Leaders to run a varied and exciting youth-led programme of activities and trips!

However, being a charity organisation, none of this would be possible without the ongoing support from our local community. We believe that financial hardship should never be a barrier to taking part in our programme so are proud to offer a significant financial support system to those who need it. Since it was founded, Wild Wolf has hosted eleven community firework displays, enabling us to provide a multitude of amazing opportunities for young people across North London and ensure that financial hardship has never been a limitation for our Explorers. The last few years have thrown several challenges our way and prevented us from holding our annual fireworks displays, but we are proud that we can continue to offer Scouting of the highest standard thanks to the generosity of the Wild Wolf community over the course of the pandemic.

With no intention of cutting back on our adventures, we’d like to continue to give you the opportunity to support your local Explorer Scout Unit with a donation. Your generosity would not only help fund a diverse range of activities for our young people but also ensure that every one of our Explorers gets the chance to make memories of a lifetime regardless of their background. If you’d like to make a contribution, please use the button below to donate via PayPal or alternatively, give a donation directly to the following bank account:

Bank: Natwest
Acc. Name: NLSD – Wild Wolf ESU
Acc. Number: 77347242
Sort Code: 60-16-12

Please use the reference: WWDonation

Thank you for your support

Donate to support Wild Wolf

Please enter your contribution in the box provided and click your desired payment method to make a donation. Thank you!
